Saturday, September 3, 2011

Don't Be Cheesy

Our trip to Pebble Beach on Thursday got the husband and his friend keen on actually going out for a round of golf.

Definitely not my cup of tea.

So, whilst they went out to play, I made myself quite busy. First, more pork! That's right, the pulled pork I made on Sunday for my friend (which he missed) was such a hit that the family demanded I make it again, now that he's in town.

Secondly, cheese.

I came across some preserved peppers & garlic I had canned a month ago, and it looked mouth watering. I decided that for dinner this would be lovely on some brioche with some ricotta, or cream cheese. As I had neither, and I didn't get a chance to go to the store, I remembered a recipe I had come across for some NY-style ricotta. The blog I found this on mentioned Salvatore's in Brooklyn, which I had been to on several occasions. Whilst there was much arguing about the purity of the term 'ricotta', that to me was way too much semantics. All that mattered was that Salvatore's "ricotta" was indeed the tastiest thing I had eaten, and I am not going to get there any time soon.

Smitten Kitten's blog became the salvation for crustinies with preserved roasted garlic peppers. I modified it slightly, because my first few batches with solely lemon juice came out overly watery.

3 cups whole milk
1 cup heavy cream 
1/2 teaspoon coarse sea salt
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 tablespoon white vinegar

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